Category Archives: Uncategorized

Help With Your Houseplants

Orchid Flower Purple

My Pretty Purple Orchid

I have just been visiting at a website called Reviewing some of the posts on indoor plant care, I noticed that the plants people posted pictures of in the Garden Web Forum looked as though they needed lots and lots of help. Often the post authors did not know what kind of houseplant they had and needed an indentification.
I guess I may be kind of picky when it comes to the way an indoor plant looks because in the interior landscape business, your plants (or should I say the customer’s plants) always have to look good. And, as with people, a plants appearance says everything about its health and care.
I wanted to sign in on the Garden Web Forum and give some help and advice but the “Terms of Service” for the site was so long that I got scared and left the website without signing in. Read more and get help with your indoor tropical plants questions

Hello world!

Just testing out this post page, as I am new to WordPress. This website is for images, photographs and pictures of indoor flowering and foliage plants. I would love to have some of the Plant Lovers out there in the world submit some of their own pictures of their gorgeous plants. Will work on that very soon! Happy growing…